FIG #17 Storytelling

Students in this FIG explore the art, science and power of storytelling across cultures while learning to perform stories themselves and discovering how narrative is central to human identity and communication.

At a Glance
Course Schedule CRN Credits GUR
Anthropology 201: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology MWF 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM 44141 5 Social Sciences (SSC)
Music 104: Art of Listening to Music TR 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM 44142 3 Humanities (HUM)
Seminar 101: Perspectives on Learning W 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM 41017 2

Course Details

Anthropology 201: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology


MWF 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM


Instructor: Natalie Baloy

Introduction to the concepts, methods and practical application of cultural anthropology. The focus is on explanations for social and cultural variation around the world and over time and the significance of holistic and comparative understanding.

Anthropology 201 Registration Information
CRN Credits GUR Entity
44141 5 Social Sciences (SSC)

Music 104: Art of Listening to Music


TR 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Instructor: Grant Donnellan

Open to all students. Non-technical basis for enjoyable listening to music; performance practices relating to symphony orchestras, instrumental ensembles, opera, choral groups and solo performance.

Music 104 Registration Information
CRN Credits GUR Entity
44142 3 Humanities (HUM)

Seminar 101: Perspectives on Learning


W 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM


Instructor: Rosemary Vohs

An introductory seminar offering an exploration of academic content and essential questions within the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Includes embedded instruction in academic skills and use of campus resources pertinent to exploration of the FIG cluster theme. Concludes in a formal paper or academic presentation. FIG seminars are linked to FIG clusters or GUR strands. Repeatable under different topics.

Seminar 101 Registration Information
CRN Credits GUR Entity
41017 2

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